Coverage by Postimees and e-Residency Estonia

Tallinn, Estonia- 03.09.2021

Following the Radio interview, SCALE Nanotech is again on the spotlight! Our sciencepreneurship story appeared on Saturday’s print edition of Postimees, the daily newspaper with the largest circulation and readership in Estonia, in a complete page also describing our graphene research. The online version contains the long version of the interview:

Excitingly, Santiago is also featured in the official blog of Estonia’s e-Residency Programme:

As part of our joint efforts to promote more scientific and deep-tech startups, SCALE Nanotech participated in an online event for CERN entrepreneurs. The complete presentation is available online in this link.

We are very proud of to be part of e-Residency program and immensely grateful to its team for having made possible the existence of SCALE Nanotech when most needed. Following the same mindset, SCALE Nanotech wants to support other scientists to fulfill their entrepreneurial curiosity and passion as part of our ambitious goal to create a cooperative network of EU-based sciencepreneurs. Do not hesitate to contact us if interested!